Meet the singers selected for the 2024 World Youth Choir Alumni Session
This year, we have received over 57 applications representing 37 different nationalities! After listening to the recordings and evaluating the applicants, the international jury chose 32 singers from 24 countries to be part of the World Youth Choir Alumni Session 2024.
The selection was made by an international jury composed by a jury representative from each of the three World Youth Choir patron organizations: Victoria Liedbergius on behalf of the European Choral Association, Burak Onur Erdem on behalf of the International Federation for Choral Music and Sasho Tatarchevski on behalf of Jeunesses Musicales International.
The application process was open to all World Youth Choir alumni up to 35, including the singers who were selected for the 2020 session but are now over the age limit for the regular summer session in 2024.
The process was conducted taking into account the artistic and musical quality of each candidate through the audition files submitted: voice range, vocal technical skills, ability to prepare a piece and voice performance throughout. Furthermore, the jury also took into consideration the complementarity of the voices of the singers selected in order to create a cohesive group in each section and for the whole choir, the number of sessions the singers already participated in the choir and, whenever possible, the diversity of countries represented in the World Youth Choir.
Soprano section
Angela Yiu, Hong Kong SAR
Anna Campmany Duch, Spain
Jovana Filipović Ćalić, Serbia
Katherine Suarez, Venezuela
Nila Rajagopal, Canada
Pauline Arejola, Philippines
Rosa Spycher, Switzerland
Solitaire Bachhuber, Germany
Alto section
Connor Davis, USA
Daan van der Schaft, Netherlands
Eilís Dexter, Ireland
Elyse Delaney, Canada
Helene Trones, Norway
Joel Aidoo, Ghana
Shannon Romba, USA
Stephanie Piatek, Germany
Viktoriia Belova, Russia
Tenor section
Aljaž Bastič, Slovenia
Ciarán Fennelly, Ireland
Denny Damara, Indonesia
Erick Morales Alvarado, Guatemala
Frederic Schikora Tamarit, Spain
Kaito Kikuchi, Japan
Tobias Stückelberger, Switzerland
Yu Hang Tan, Malaysia
Bass section
Esteban Adolfo Aranguiz, Argentina
Farzad Omidi, Iran
Franco Basili, Argentina
Graeme Climie, Canada
Hao-Chun Howard Hsu, Taiwan
Jarod Spencer, South Africa
Jieh-Cherng, CHUANG, Taiwan
Joseph Goodwin, Canada
Kwaku Baffoe Appiah-Ofori, Ghana
Mukhtar Romashov, Kazakhstan
All the singers have been contacted and the selected singers will take part in the session pending submission of their signed confirmation of attendance. The short-listed reserve singers will be contacted in case any of the selected singers is unable to take part in the World Youth Choir Alumni Session 2024 programme or fails to confirm their attendance. This is the most updated list of selected singers.