Meet the ensemble representing the World Youth Choir at the ACDA 2021
The selection of singers was made amongst the 92 singers who expressed interest and availability in joining this session, following a call sent to all singers who participated in a session between 2016 and 2019. The final selection features 48 singers coming from 34 countries who will represent the World Youth Choir at the American Choral Directors Association National Conference 2021, taking place in Dallas, Texas (USA).
The process was conducted based on each singer's audition material submitted for previous sessions, performance during the session they participated in (based on observations from the WYC manager, section leaders and conductor) and overall ability to be a representative of the programme. Furthermore, the jury also took into consideration the complementarity of the voices of the singers selected in order to create a cohesive group in each section and for the whole choir and, whenever possible, to amplify the diversity of countries represented in the World Youth Choir.
A pre-selection was made by the session manager Inês Moreira and Vice-president Victoria Liedbergius, which was then reviewed and approved by the three artistic advisors of the World Youth Choir Foundation: Daniel Mestre on behalf of the European Choral Association – Europa Cantat, Cristian Grases on behalf of the International Federation for Choral Music and Géraldine Toutain on behalf of Jeunesses Musicales International.
The choice was often hard for the selection committee and the singers selected have now a heavy responsibility in representing the World Youth Choir at the ACDA national conference 2021. Many others could be also part of the choir and not being selected does not diminish their skills. We deeply thank the continuous interest and involvement of all our former singers and invite those still eligible to apply for future projects.
Soprano section
Agnieszka Długołęcka, Poland
Anna Campmany Duch, Spain
Carly Wingfield, USA
Felicitas Ammer, Germany
Giulia Faria, Brazil
Giulia Montanari, Italy/Germany
Ingvill Espedal, Norway
Jovana Filipović, Serbia
María Fernanda Gonzalez, Peru
Mayuko Tsushida, Japan
Mechthild Rommelspacher, Germany
Miggi Angangco, Philippines
Alto section
Ana Arán, Spain
Aniangi Vieira, Venezuela
Elyse Delaney, Canada
Greta Andersberg, Sweden
Lāsma Gorska, Latvia
Nele Erastus, Estonia
Nicole Franco, Guatemala
Pınar Çanakçı, Turkey
Shannon Romba, USA
Stephanie Piatek, Germany
Victoria Belova, Russia
Yumi Sasaki, Japan
Tenor section
Alberto Araújo, Portugal
Aljaž Bastič, Slovenia
Arga Rakasiwi, Indonesia
Ciarán Fennelly, Ireland
Emanuele Petracco, Italy
Felipe da Paz Soares, Brazil
Gert Pottas, South Africa
Kevin Hernández Toledo, Mexico
Pathorn Swasdisuk, Thailand
Raimer Gil, Venezuela
Robert Pirk, Estonia
Shih-Hao Lai, Taiwan
Bass section
Ardak Bukharbekov, Kazakhstan
Bryan Chong, Malaysia
Yi-Hsiu Chung, Taiwan
Elias Aaron Johansson, Sweden
Eslon Hindundu, Namibia
Graeme Climie, Canada
Guilherme Roberto, Brazil
Hugo Gjelsvik Herrman, Norway
Kelvin Omulo, Kenya
Nathan Tax, the Netherlands
Seth Makafui Passah, Ghana
Timothy Ferguson, United Kingdom
All the singers have been contacted and the selected singers will take part in the session pending submission of their signed confirmation of attendance. The short-listed reserve singers will be contacted in case any of the selected singers is unable to take part in the World Youth Choir ACDA 2021 programme or fails to confirm their attendance.